Unit of Pharmacogenetics and Clinical Psychopharmacology (UPPC)
Dr Nicolas Ansermot, MERc & Dre Séverine Crettol Wavre, MERc Co-responsables ad interim
Consultation de psychopharmacologie clinique (réservée aux professionnels de la santé) : 021 314 2707
Lundi à vendredi de 9-12h et 13-17h
Renseignements techniques concernant les dosages de médicaments psychotropes : 021 314 2264
The Unit of Pharmacogenetics and Clinical Psychopharmacology (UPPC) is involved in three principal fields of activity :
1) Basic and clinical research in the field of clinical psychopharmacology (metabolism and mechanisms of action of psychotropic drugs; relationship between drug plasma levels and clinical efficacy or adverse events) and in the field of pharmacogenetics (influence of genetic factors on the interindividual variability of the therapeutic response and adverse events induced by drugs). In particular, an important study is presently underway on the clinical and genetic risk factors for drug-induced metabolic syndrome in psychiatry;
2) Medico-technical services in the field of plasma quantification of psychotropic drugs and clinical interpretation (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring), urine screening for drugs of abuse;
3) Medico-technical services in the field of molecular biology related to pharmacogenetics (cytochromes P450).
Other activities :
- Coordination within the Department of Psychiatry of the Lausanne University Hospital, of activities in the field of clinical psychopharmacology and pharmacogenetics (multi-center and multi-field research studies). Collaboration in particular with SUPAA (psychiatry of advanced age), SUPEA (child and adolescent psychiatry), and PGE (general psychiatry).
- Pharmacovigilance program (security of drugs used in psychiatry).
- Seminars in clinical psychopharmacology and help to prescription for MDs in the different services of the Department of Psychiatry and in private practice.
- Pre-grade and post-grade lecture and teaching to university students (physicians, biologists and pharmacists), laboratory assistants as well as medical laboratory assistants (ESSanté) .
- Supervision of theses for PhD, MD-PhD and MD degree students.
- Psychopharmacology seminars: approximately twice a year on Thursdays at 7pm on the Cery site.
Next dates: June 1st 2023 - program and November 2nd 2023 - program
Registration by e-mail to labo.uppc[at]chuv.ch
- Continuing education evening in partnership with the GVPPEA: April 27, 2023 - program
- Journal Club and pharmacovigilance cases: once or twice a month on Thursday at 12:15 pm, Psychiatric Neuroscience Center, 3rd floor meeting room. Contact us for the program at labo.uppc[at]chuv.ch
- Intervision and Psychopharmacological Consultation: (for established physicians)
These intervisions are organized and led by Prof. Martin Preisig (Chief physician at the Department of Psychiatry) and Prof. Chin Eap (Head of the Unit of Pharmacogenetics and Clinical Psychopharmacology) - Programme - Access plan
APPENDICES: Forms for the required analyses
Psychotropic drugs
Clinical determinations
APPENDICES: Clinical Psychopharmacology