Eve Rubli Truchard


Dr. Eve Rubli Truchard, a general internist and geriatrician, has over 15 years of experience in geriatrics. She is co-director of the chair of geriatric palliative care at the CHUV. One of her priorities is to build bridges between geriatrics and palliative care, to meet the specific needs of the last stage of life of the elderly, whether at home or in nursing homes.  

She also works in the Geriatrics and Geriatric Rehabilitation Service of the CHUV, where she is in charge of the long-stay unit (nursing home); she is also active in a nursing home and has set up a training project for Nursing homes in the canton of Vaud, in collaboration with the GMEMS (association of doctors in nursing homes) and Unisanté. 

She participates in a number of training courses, and is involved in research and clinical activities in the field of geriatrics and geriatric palliative care, whether related, for example, to advance care planning, the wish to live and the wish to die, and all aspects of communication between patients, relatives and healthcare professionals.

As a specialist, she supervises the clinical activities of doctors who intend to become general internists and geriatricians; she is active in the pre- and post-graduate professional training of doctors and nursing staff for elderly patients and their relatives.

She obtained a Micro-MBA in organization and project management and is a member of the Clinical Ethics Commission of the CHUV.

 Last updated on 09/04/2024 at 09:10