European CMR Registry

This registry was launched in 2008 to accompany the transition of CMR from clinical research into daily practice (with J. Schwitter as a founding and steering committee member of this registry). The CMRC of the CHUV is the “Reference Center for Quality Assessment” for this European registry with ~40’000 patients from 59 centers of 18 countries (Wagner, JCMR 2009, Klinke, JCMR 2013).

CMR Update

The centers if participating in the registry are encouraged to use the protocols for CMR as detailed in the CMR-Update book, which is an initiative of the EuroCMR section of the EACVI of the ESC edited by J. Schwitter.


Pr Juerg Schwitter
Director CMR Center
Rue du Bugnon 46
1011 Lausanne
Fax +41 21 314 0013
 Last updated on 31/01/2023 at 15:44