
This site is operated by the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). The CHUV constitutes a service of the State of Vaud attached to the Department of Health and Social Affairs (DSAS). As such, this site is financed by the State of Vaud and receives no advertising funding.

It has been designed to answer the questions of patients or loved ones, students or employees in the field of health.

Editorial committee

The medical information provided on this site has been reviewed by the Managnement of the Chair of geriatric palliative care.

Graphics and illustrations

The graphic design was created in 2017 by the company Netinfluence.
The illustrations and photographs are creations of the Multimedia Support Service at the CHUV.

Technical information

This website is hosted by Infomaniak Network SA. It is maintained by the company Cobweb and the CHUV Information Systems Group.
It is based on a content management system (CMS) TYPO3.


 Last updated on 30/01/2020 at 10:42