You can ask your doctor, pharmacist or midwife to contact us, in order to obtain counseling.


Do you have a question on how your medication may impact pregnancy or breastfeeding?

STIS Counseling

You can ask your doctor, pharmacist or midwife to contact us, in order to obtain counseling. As with any medical consultation, your name, date of birth, and information on your health status will be transmitted. We collect, in a database, the exposures that are reported to us, as well as the outcomes of pregnancies and the breastfeeding tolerance. We would like to inform you that part of this data, rigorously anonymized, can be analyzed in the context of scientific studies.

Please find more details in the Patient Information available in French and in German, submitted to the responsible Ethics Committee on 8.9.2015.

Consultation Obstetrics Service 

You can ask your attending physician or your gynecologist to refer you to the consultation "Grossesse et médicaments" of the Obstetrics department CHUV. This consultation is intended for women needing medication during pregnancy. The consultation is executed by a clinical pharmacist. 

You can discuss the risks and benefits of taking medicine for you and your baby. Continuation of treatment while breastfeeding, if relevant, is also discussed.

Sources of information

  • The Centre Image of the Sainte Justine University Hospital (Montreal Canada) published the Petit guide grossesse et allaitement which provides advice on medication and the treatment of common pathologies during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The Centre de référence sur les agents tératogènes (CRAT) publishes information on risks associated with medications and vaccines during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The website is written for healthcare professionals. As a patient, some information may seem complicated or shocking to you. A healthcare professional will be able to give you explanations.
  • Embryotox publishes information on medications during pregnancy and lactation in German.
  • The UK Teratology Information Service (UKTIS) publishes information on medications during pregnancy and lactation in English.
  • Mothertobaby publishes quick and easy to understand information on exposures and how they may impact pregnancy or breastfeeding.


 Last updated on 26/04/2021 at 08:20