Dre Debora Bertaggia Calderara, PhD

Biologist, Research Associate

Debora Bertaggia Calderara obtained her Master in biological sciences from the University of Padova (1994), Italy and a PhD Degree in molecular biology from the University of Pisa (1999), Italy. During her PhD, she worked at the University of Camerino, Italy and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Zurich, where she gained extensive experience as a molecular biologist. Her thesis focused on the cloning and study of the expression of metallothionein proteins, which protect organisms from metal toxicity and oxidative stress. Wishing to improve her knowledge in genetics, she worked (1999-2001) as a postdoc Fellow in the laboratory of Pr Craig Montell (Department of biological chemistry) at the Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA, studying receptor and ion channels that control behavior in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. In May 2003, she joined the diagnostic laboratory of molecular biology (Hematology Section) at the CHUV. From 2004 to 2011, she worked in the research group of Pr O. Spertini, studying the biology of leukemia cells and the role of adhesion receptors. After parental leave (2011 to 2013), in April 2014 she joined the research group of Pr Alberio and became deeply  interested in hemostasis research. Her work focus on the role of COAT platelets in transfusion medicine and in studying the clinical utility of global hemostasis tests measuring thrombin generation, in patients taking new oral anticoagulant (DOACs) and in patients with rare bleeding disorders.


 Dernière mise à jour le 08/06/2021 à 16:55