Publications et revue de presse


COVID-19 as a potential trigger of complement-mediated atypical HUS. El Sissy C, Saldman A, Zanetta G, Martins PV, Poulin C, Kaplanski G, Venetz JP, Bobot M, Dobosziewicz H, Daniel L, Koubi M, Sadallah S, Rotman S, Mousson C, Pascual M, Frémeaux-Bacchi V, Fakhouri F. Blood.2021 Nov4; 138(18):1777-1782.

The stone is bone. Mathieu Halfon,Pierre Cochat,Sebastien Kissling,Nicolas Dattner,Laurence de Leval,Fadi Fakhouri,Menno Pruijm,Olivier Bonny. Abstract

Changes of lipoprotein(a) levels with endogenous steroid hormones. Tessitore E, Dobretz K, Dhayat NA, Kern I, Ponte B, Pruijm M, Ackermann D, Estoppey S, Burnier M, Martin PY, Vogt B, Vuilleumier N, Bochud M, Mach F, Ehret G. Eur J Clin Invest. 2021 Oct 25:e13699.

Blood pressure from the optical Aktiia Bracelet: a 1-month validation study using an extended ISO81060-2 protocol adapted for a cuffless wrist device. Anna Vybornova,a Erietta Polychronopoulou,b Arlène Wurzner-Ghajarzadeh,b Sibylle Fallet,a Josep Sola,a and Gregoire Wuerzner. Blood Press Monit. 2021;26:305-311.

Impact of obesity with or without hypertension on systemic haemodynamic and renal responses to lower body negative pressure. Vakilzadeh N, Petrovic D, Maillard M, Favre L, Grouzmann E and Wuerzner G.  Blood Press. 2021;30:67-74.

Revue de presse

- "Hypertension artérielle : Démêler le vrai du faux", article l'Ilustré magazine, santé, 10 décembre 2020

- "Blood pressure bracelet *offers greater insight* into hypertension", article Cardiac Rhythm News, 26 janvier 2021

- "La précision suisse s'impose pour traquer l'hypertension", article Le Temps, magazine, santé, 11 avril 2021


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 Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26/11/2021 um 15:15