Microscopy and Cultures Laboratory

The conventional microbiology laboratory addresses mainly bacterial infections. The methods used in our laboratory include microscopy with or without staining, direct detection of antigens, and culture. With these methods, the laboratory also tests other microbial agents like parasites and fungi.

  • Culture identification of bacteria and fungi is achieved by recognition of phenotypic colonies, supplemented by proteome analysis with mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). When necessary, precise identification is completed by additional phenotypic biochemical tests.
  • The diagnosis of parasites is essentially performed by the recognition of phenotypic traits on microscope examination.
  • For potentially pathogenic bacteria and yeasts, susceptibility testing is systematically performed with standard antibiotic tests. Interpretation of the sensitivities is based essentially on the EUCAST criteria (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing).

We organise daily meetings with our colleagues of the diagnostic laboratories and key partners, including consultants of the infectious diseases service, to transmit and discuss important microbiological results.

In addition, the laboratory offers service activity for the identification of bacteria derived from environmental samples, cultured by other diagnostic laboratories or by research units of the CHUV. The laboratory also participates to joint studies with clinical services.

We are involved in research and development, with the continuous update and validation of laboratory processes as well as the introduction of new methods, and in teaching.

 Last updated on 18/07/2024 at 16:29