Executive Committee

Philippe Ryvlin

Pr Philippe Ryvlin

Head of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Epileptology and headaches Units
Gilles Allali

Pr Gilles Allali

Chief of service, MD-PhD
Director of the Leenaards Memory Center
Loric Berney

Loric Berney

Administrative and Financial Director
Renaud Du-Pasquier

Prof. Renaud Du-Pasquier

Head of Service of Neurology
Catherine Goetz Roche

Catherine Goetz Roche

HR Director
Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Marc Levivier

Pr Marc Levivier

Chief of Service
Service of Neurosurgery
Dominique Rothenfluh

Pr Dominique Rothenfluh

Chief of Service
Head of the Spinal Surgery Service
Arseny Sokolov

Pr Arseny Sokolov

Associate physician
Head of the Service of Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation
Resp. for Neuropsychology Unit
Krystel Vasserot

Krystel Vasserot

Head of nursing
Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Department of Musculoskeletal Health

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 Last updated on 24/01/2024 at 11:14