By bringing together the neurosurgery, neurology, and neuropsychology and rehabilitation teams, our department offers an integrated and personalised treatment that meets the needs of each patient.

Patients and families

Clinical neuroscience covers all diseases that affect the brain, the spinal cord, the nerves and the muscles. It combines the knowledge and techniques of neurosurgery, neurology, neuropsychology and rehabilitation to treat the causes and consequences of trauma or illness.

The Department of Clinical Neuroscience is on three sites: the main hospital building of the CHUV, which contains the Services of Neurology, Neurosurgery and spinal surgery, the Nestlé Hospital, which hosts the Service of Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation and de Mont-Paisible 16 building which hosts de Leenaards Memory Center.

Conditions we treat Organisation of care Our entities

State-of-the-art technical Equipment

The services of our Department are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment providing treatments of unprecedented accuracy.

For example, the Service of Neurosurgery uses a piece of technology known as a Gamma Knife, which allows parts of the brain to be treated by Gamma rays in the same manner as a scalpel (hence the name Gamma Knife), without opening the skull. Composed of 192 bundles which come from sources of cobalt, the Gamma Knife administers a strong dose of radiation to the tumour(s) to be treated with extreme precision and requires only one session.



 Last updated on 08/01/2024 at 11:24