Service of Neurosurgery

The Service of Neurosurgery has developed several areas of clinical and fundamental research on brain tumour biopsies, cerebral ischemia, neural stem cells and cellular physiology.

Ongoing fundamental research projects

  • Cellular Therapy
    Dr Jean-François Brunet, in collaboration with Dr Jocelyne Bloch, associate physician of the Service of Neurosurgery, are studying the possibility of performing auto-transplantation of adult brain cells and their therapeutic potential in models of motor cortex lesions and neurodegenerative disease. In collaboration with Professor Eric Rouiller from the Institute of Physiology, Fribourg and Professor Eugene Redmond from the Yale Department of Psychiatry.
  • Neuromodulation research
  • Neurobiology of epilepsy, stress and anxiety disorders
  • Gamma-Knife
 Last updated on 08/05/2019 at 10:13