Pauline Menoud

PhD Student





Pauline Menoud holds a master’s degree in Cognitive Neurosciences from the University of Fribourg (UNIFR). In parallel to her academic training, she acquired professional experiences in the field of health and in accompanying people with disabilities. She then worked as a research assistant in the UPHummel laboratory (EPFL, CRR Suva, Sion), which focusses on brain stimulation techniques to improve neuro-rehabilitation among patients with neurological disorders. Interested in the development of innovative therapeutic options, she joined the NeuroScape@NeuroTech platform in the CHUV in January 2023 as a PhD student. She focusses on the potential of serious video games for the cognitive rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis.

Selected publications


 Last updated on 28/02/2024 at 13:53