The LNRA was created on November 1, 2011 and is directed by Pre Karin Diserens in collaboration with Dre Jane Jöhr (PhD), referent research neuropsychologist and Loric Berney (MAS), coordinator in charge of therapists.
Developments over the last years have shown that early intensive neurological rehabilitation improves patient outcome and reduces complications and costs. Neuroimaging and neurophysiology have confirmed this trend.
The creation of a Acute Neurorehabiliation Unit with Intermediate Care beds and a transversal mobile team that interacts with the Intensive Care Unit and with all acute care units has helped refine the methods of treatment and clinical and paraclinical evaluation.
The LRNRA is focused on six research objectives:
To improve the evaluation of different states of consciousness, the predictability of their recovery and choice of therapeutic approach with the goal of reducing false diagnoses of different states of arousal, and giving them a means of communication through a direct communication interface between the brain and an external device (Brain computer Interface).
To demonstrate by early mobilization assisted by neuro-technology that the risks of prolonged bed rest on the autonomic nervous system and spasticity reduces patient recovery and increases complications.
To evaluate the effectiveness of training a paralyzed limb following unilateral brain injury using a virtual reality approach using the brain activity recorded by simultaneous EEG.
To assess the impact of a neurosensorial approach on the patient’s rehabilitation and duration of hospital stay. The objective is to develop new approaches to acute neural rehabilitation, as a pilot interdisciplinary unit in Switzerland.
To demonstrate the benefits of "outdoor therapy"
To improve the treatment of swallowing disorders by quantitative assessment and electrostimulation implementation.
A team of experts
The Acute Neurorehabilitation Unit (NRA) with its lab (LNRA) is the first in Switzerland and one of the first in Europe which offers a comprehensive interdisciplinary team (ergo-, physical therapist, neuropsychologist, nurse specialist) under the responsibility of a doctors specialized in neuroreeducation.
The research is performed in close collaboration with the EPFL, the Coma Science Group of Liège, and national and international post-acute centers.