Leenaards Center for Memory
The Center for Memory’s research focuses mainly on the following areas:
- The search for new cognitive or neurofunctional markers of pathological brain aging using different types of imaging (MRI, PET, EEG, and different experimental contexts). This research concerns:
- A study of the influence of “non-modular” functions such as attention, executive functions and emotion on language.
- Writing disorders in normal aging and neuro-degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s); the use of a common experimental framework (real-time recording of graphomotor and eye movements) which aim to better understand these disorders and improve their treatment.
- The search for risk factors and aetio-pathogenic mechanisms through exploration of massive, multidimensional databases (cognition, imaging, genetics, metabolic) in collaboration with Human Brain Project (Prof. Richard Frackowiak) and a number of external partners (INSERM U825, CATI, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics).
- Study of action semantic disorders in neurodegenerative diseases that affect the motor system (Parkinson’s disease and related syndromes).
- Provision of innovative technologies that compensate for disabilities that affect language and memory: use of virtual reality tools.
- Phase 2-3 diagnostic and therapeutic clinical trials to promote innovative techniques, therapeutic intervention or new medication to prevent pathological brain aging or slow the progression of confirmed illnesses.
- Saint-Aubert L, Payoux P, Hannequin D, Barbeau EJ, Campion D, Delisle MB, Tafani M, Viallard G, Péran P, Puel M, Chollet F, Demonet JF, Pariente J. MR, 18F-FDG and 18F-AV45 PET correlate with AD PSEN1 original phenotype. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders, 2012, in press
- Fornari E, Maeder P, Meuli R, Ghika J, Knyazeva MG. Demyelination of superficial white matter in early Alzheimer’s disease: a magnetization transfer imaging. Neurobiol Aging 2012: 33: 2: 428: e7-19
- Economou NT, Manconi M, Ghika J raimondi M, Bassetti CL. Development of Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases in two cases of narcolepsy-catalepsy. Eur Neurol 2011: 67: 1: 48-50.
- Rytsar R, Fornari E, Frackwoiak RS, Ghika JA, Knyazeva MG. Inhibition in early Alzheimer’s disease:an fMRI-based study of effective connectivity. Neuroimage, 2011; 57: 3: 1131-1139.
- Méligne D, Fossard M, Belliard S, Moreaud O, Duvignau K, Démonet JF. Verb production during action naming in semantic dementia. J Commun Disord. 2011 44:379-91
- Planton M, Peiffer S, Albucher JF, Barbeau EJ, Tardy J, Pastor J, Januel AC, Bezy C, Lemesle B, Puel M, Demonet JF, Chollet F, Pariente J. Neuropsychological outcome after a first symptomatic ischaemic stroke with 'good recovery'. Eur J Neurol. 2011 Jun 1. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1331.2011.03450.x.
- Péran P et al. Magnetic resonance imaging markers of Parkinson's disease nigrostriatal signature. Brain. 2010 133:3423-33.
- Querbes O, Aubry F, Pariente J, Lotterie JA, Démonet JF, Duret V, Puel M, Berry I, Fort JC, Celsis P The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using cortical thickness: impact of cognitive reserve. Brain. 2009 132:2036-47.
- Péran P, Cardebat D, Cherubini A, Piras F, Luccichenti G, Peppe A, Caltagirone C, Rascol O, Démonet JF, Sabatini U. Object naming and action-verb generation in Parkinson's disease: A fMRI study. Cortex. 2009 45:960-71.