Highlight project : Cognitive immunitiy : SNSF Synergia

The Cognitive Immunity project, financed by a 4-year Sinergia grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation, aims to investigate the cross-talk between the neural and the immune systems orchestrating anticipatory responses to potential immune threats. The MySpace lab is in charge of developing virtual reality (VR)-based protocols to investigate the behavioral, neuroimaging and psychophysiological components of the neuro-immune cross-talk. The other partners of this project are the groups of Camilla Jandus from the University of Geneva, Gérard Eberl and Pierre-Marie Lledo from the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

    Experts & Collaborators

    Internal collaborators

    • Andrea Serino
    • Maren Born
    • Matteo Girondini

    External collaborators

    • Camilla Jandus (UNIGE)
    • Sara Trabanelli (UNIGE)
    • Gérard Eberl (Institut Pasteur Paris)
    • Pierre-Marie Lledo (Institut Pasteur Paris)


    • BRBS World (https://www.brbsworld.com/) UNIL Faculty of biology and medicine – interdisciplinary grant (https://www.unil.ch/fbm/fr/home.html)
    • Swiss National Science Foundation – SPARK and Sinergia calls (https://www.snf.ch)
    • UNIL Faculty of biology and medicine – interdisciplinary grant (https://www.unil.ch/fbm/fr/home.html)


    Selected publications

     Last updated on 28/02/2024 at 16:18