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Service of Neurology
Service of Neurosurgery
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Pr Philippe Ryvlin
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Research labs
Philippe Ryvlin
Andrea Serino
Arseny Sokolov
Petr Grivaz
Birgit Schaffhauser
Severine Laithier
Miriam Milazzo
Principal Investigators
Charles-Edouard Bardyn
Michela Bassolino
Stefano Carda
Stephanie Clarke
Carolina Ciumas
Sonia Crottaz-Herbette
Jean-Michel Pignat
Traian Popa
Michel Akselrod
Adriano Bernini
Tommaso Bertoni
Pauline Ducouret
David Zeugin
Research Clinicians
Giulia Binarelli
Peggy d'Honincthun
Errikos Maslias
Alexandre Pfister
Patricia Poma
Luca Rossi
PhD Students
Maren Born
Loredana Catinari
Nicolas Farron
Matteo Girondini
Stéphanie Konik
Pauline Menoud
Charlène Moser
Florian Perrin
Marie Pittet
Florian Sander
Maylis Touya
Viktoria Bastic Schmid
Eugénie Demeure
Julien Dhallenne
Bettina Holzer
Georges Mellisargos
Alexandre Pfister
Manuel Salazar
Florian Sipp
Antoine Spahr
NeuroRehab Research Center@NeuroTech
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Highlight project : Flagship SwissNeurorehab
Research axes
Highlight project : Cognitive neurorehabilitation in MS (IICT)
Data Sharing Platforms
Wearables and IoT Biomarkers
Highlight project EBRAINS 2.0
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Highlight project : Cognitive immunitiy : SNSF Synergia
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Laboratory for Research in Neuroimaging - LREN
Laboratory of neurotherapies and neuromodulation
Laboratory of Cerebrovascular Diseases
Laboratory of Neuroimmunology / Multiple Sclerosis
Laboratory of tumor biology and genetics
Laboratory of Nerve-Muscle Unit
Laboratory of Cognitive Science
Laboratory of Acute Neurological Rehabilitation with Intensive Monitoring
Laboratory for the exploration of memory in Neuroscience
Laboratory of clinical neurosurgery research
NeuroRestore, Defitech Center for Interventional Neurotherapies
Areas of research
Service of Neurology
Movement disorders
Neuromuscular pathology, ENMG and neurophysiology laboratory
Service of Neurosurgery
Service of Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation
Acute Neurological Rehabilitation Unit
Leenaards Center for Memory
Scientific papers
Bertoni T, Mastria G, Akulenko N, Perrin H, Zbinden B, Bassolino M, Serino A. The self and the Bayesian brain: Testing probabilistic models of body ownership through a self-localization task. Cortex. 2023 Jul 25;167:247-272.
von Mohr M, Silva PC, Vagnoni E, Bracher A, Bertoni T, Serino A, Banissy MJ, Jenkinson PM, Fotopoulou A. My social comfort zone: Attachment anxiety shapes peripersonal and interpersonal space. iScience. 2023, 26(2):105955.
Mastria G, Scaliti E, Mehring C, Burdet E, Becchio C, Serino A, Akselrod M. Morphology, Connectivity, and Encoding Features of Tactile and Motor Representations of the Fingers in the Human Precentral and Postcentral Gyrus. J Neurosci. 2023, 43(9):1572-158
Serino A, Bockbrader MA, Colachis SC, Solcá M, Bertoni T, Dunlap CF, Eipel K, Ganzer P, Annetta N, Sharma G, Orepic P, Friedenberg D, Sederberg P, Faivre N, Rezai A, Blanke O. What it feels like to move via an intracortical brain computer interface (BMI).
Ellena G, Bertoni T, Durand-Ruel M , Thoresen J, Sandi C, Serino A. Acute stress affects peripersonal space representation in cortisol stress responders. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2022 142:105790.
Wilf M, Dupuis C, Nardo D, Huber D, Sander S, Al-Kaar J, Haroud M, Perrin H, Fornari E, Crottaz-Herbette S, Serino A. Virtual reality-based sensorimotor adaptation shapes subsequent spontaneous and naturalistic stimulus-driven brain activity. Cereb Cortex
Schneider C, Marquis R, Jöhr J, Lopes da Silva M, Ryvlin P, Serino A, De Lucia M, Diserens K. Disentangling the percepts of illusory movement and sensory stimulation during tendon vibration in the EEG. Neuroimage. 2021 Jul 28;241:118431. doi: 10.1016/
Serino S, Trabanelli S, Jandus C, Fellrath J, Grivaz P, Paladino MP, Serino A. Sharpening of peripersonal space during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curr Biol. 2021 Jul 26;31(14):R889-R890. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.001.
Ronga I, Galigani M, Bruno V, Noel JP, Gazzin A, Perathoner C, Serino A1, Garbarini F. Spatial tuning of electrophysiological responses to multisensory stimuli reveals a primitive coding of the body boundaries in newborns. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 M
Masson C, van der Westhuizen D, Noel JP, Prevost A, van Honk J, Fotopoulou A, Solms M, Serino A. Testosterone administration in women increases the size of their peripersonal space. Exp Brain Res. 2021 Mar 26. doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06080-1.
Akselrod M, Martuzzi R, van der Zwaag W, Blanke O, Serino A. Relation between palm and finger cortical representations in primary somatosensory cortex: A 7T fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021 Feb 23. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25365.
Serino A, Pozeg P, Bernasconi F, Solcà M, Hara M, Progin P, Stripeikyte G, Dhanis H, Salomon R, Bleuler H, Rognini G, Blanke O. Thought consciousness and source monitoring depend on robotically controlled sensorimotor conflicts and illusory states. iScien
Sorrentino G, Franza M, Zuber C, Blanke O, Serino A1,3, Bassolino M. How ageing shapes body and space representations: A comparison study between healthy young and older adults. Cortex. 2021 Mar;136:56-76. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2020.11.021.
Solcà M, Krishna V, Young N, Deogaonkar M, Herbelin B, Orepic P, Mange R, Rognini G, Serino A1,3, Rezai A, Blanke O. Enhancing analgesic spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain with personalized immersive virtual reality. Pain. 2020 Nov 30. doi: 10.1097/
Noel JP, Bertoni T, Terrebonne E, Pellencin E, Herbelin B, Cascio C, Blanke O, Magosso E, Wallace MT, Serino A. Rapid Recalibration of Peri-Personal Space: Psychophysical, Electrophysiological, and Neural Network Modeling Evidence. Cereb Cortex. 2020 May
Riva G, Di Lernia D, Serino A1, Serino S. The role of reference frames in memory recollection. Behav Brain Sci. 2020 Jan 3;42:e296.
Bréchet L, Hausmann SB, Mange R, Herbelin B, Blanke O, Serino A1,3. Subjective feeling of re-experiencing past events using immersive virtual reality prevents a loss of episodic memory. Brain Behav. 2020 Apr 27:e01571.
Salomon R, Progin P, Griffa A, Rognini G, Do KQ, Conus P, Marchesotti S, Bernasconi F, Hagmann P, Serino A1,3, Blanke O. Sensorimotor Induction of Auditory Misattribution in Early Psychosis. Schizophr Bull. 2020 Feb 11:sbz136. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbz136. E
Bertoni T, Magosso E, Serino A. From statistical regularities in multisensory inputs to peripersonal space representation and body ownership: insights from a neural network model. European Journal of Neuroscience, Eur J Neurosci. 2020 Sep 23. doi: 10.1111
Serino A. Peripersonal space (PPS) as a multisensory interface between the individual and the environment, defining the space of the self. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2019 Apr;99:138-159. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.01.016.
Tonelli A, Campus C, Serino A1,3, Gori M. Enhanced audio-tactile multisensory interaction in a peripersonal task after echolocation. Exp Brain Res. 2019 Jan 7.
Bréchet L, Mange R, Herbelin B, Theillaud Q, Gauthier B, Serino A1,3, Blanke O. First-person view of one's body in immersive virtual reality: Influence on episodic memory. PLoS One. 2019 Mar 7;14(3):e0197763.
Noel JP*, Serino A. High Action Values Occur Near Our Body. Trends Cogn Sci. 2019 Apr;23(4):269-270. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2019.01.001.
Mehring C, Akselrod M, Bashford L, Mace M, Choi H, Blüher M, Buschhoff AS, Pistohl T, Salomon R, Cheah A, Blanke O, Serino A1,3, Burdet. E. Augmented manipulation ability in humans with six-fingered hands. Nature Communications 2019. 10.1038/s41467-019-10
Cardinali L, Serino A1,3, Gori M. Hand size underestimation grows during childhood. Sci Rep. 2019 Sep 13;9(1):13191. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49500-7.
Noel JP*, Chatelle C, Perdikis S, Jöhr J, Lopes Da Silva M, Ryvlin P, De Lucia M, Millán JDR, Diserens K, Serino A. Peri-personal space encoding in patients with disorders of consciousness and cognitive-motor dissociation. Neuroimage Clin. 2019 Jul 23;24
Bassolino M*, Bouzerda-Wahlen A, Moix V, Bellmann A, Herbelin B, Serino A+, Blanke O. You or me? Disentangling perspectival, perceptual, and integrative mechanisms in heterotopagnosia. Cortex. 2019 Jun 15;120:212-222.
Franza M, Sorrentino G, Vissani M*, Serino A3, Blanke O, Bassolino M. Hand perceptions induced by single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation over the primary motor cortex. Brain Stimul. 2018 Dec 23. pii: S1935-861X(18)31391-3. (IF=6.7)
Noel JP*, Serino A1,3, Wallace MT. Increased Neural Strength and Reliability to Audiovisual Stimuli at the Boundary of Peripersonal Space. J Cogn Neurosci. 2018 Sep 6:1-18. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_01334.
Perez-Marcos D, Bieler-Aeschlimann M, Serino A. Virtual Reality as a Vehicle to Empower Motor-Cognitive Neurorehabilitation. Front Psychol. 2018 Nov 2;9:2120.
Kaliuzhna M, Serino A1,2, Berger S, Blanke O. Differential effects of vestibular processing on orienting exogenous and endogenous covert visual attention. ExpBrain Res. 2019 Feb;237(2):401-410
Solca M, Ronchi R, Bello-Ruiz J, Schmidlin T, Herbelin B, Luthi,F, Konzelmann M, Beaulieu JY, Delaquaize F, Schnider A, Guggisberg A,Serino A1,3, Blanke, O. Heartbeat-enhanced immersive virtual reality to treat complex regional pain syndrome. Neurology. 2
Rognini G, Petrini FM, Raspopovic S, Valle G, Granata G, Strauss I, Solcà M, Bello-Ruiz J, Herbelin B, Mange R, D'Anna E, Di Iorio R, Di Pino G, Andreu D, Guiraud D, Stieglitz T, Rossini PM, Serino A +, Micera S +, Blanke O +. Multisensory bionic limb to
Bernasconi F, Noel JP, Park HD, Faivre N, Seeck M, Spinelli L, Schaller K, Blanke O +, Serino A +. Audio-Tactile and Peripersonal Space Processing Around the Trunk in Human Parietal and Temporal Cortex: An Intracranial EEG Study. Cereb Cortex. 2018 Sep 1;
Noel JP*, Blanke O, Serino A. From multisensory integration in peripersonal space to bodily self-consciousness: from statistical regularities to statistical inference. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2018 Jun 6. doi: 10.1111/nyas.13867
Pfeiffer C, Noel JP, Serino A1,3, Blanke O. Vestibular modulation of peripersonal space boundaries. Eur J Neurosci. 2018 Feb 20
Noel JP*, Blanke O, Magosso E, Serino A. Neural Adaptation Accounts for the Dynamic Resizing of Peri-Personal Space: Evidence from a Psychophysical-Computational Approach. J Neurophysiology. 2018 Mar 14.
Noel JP*, Park HD, Pasqualini I, Lissek H, Wallace M, Blanke O, Serino A. Audio-visual sensory deprivation degrades visuo-tactile peri- personal space. Conscious Cogn. 2018 May;61:61-75
Grivaz P*, Blanke O+, Serino A+. Common and distinct brain regions processing multisensory bodily signals for peripersonal space and body ownership. Neuroimage. 2017. 147:602-618
Noel JP*, Blanke O, Serino A1,3, Salomon R. Interplay between Narrative and Bodily Self in Access to Consciousness: No Difference between Self- and Non-self Attributes. Front Psychol. 2017 Jan 31;8:72.
Zamariola G*, Cardini F*, Mian E, Serino A+, Tsakiris M+. Can you feel the body that you see? On the relationship between interoceptive accuracy and body image, Body Image, 20:130-136
Ronchi R, Heydrich L, Serino A1,3, Blanke O. llusory hand ownership in a patient with personal neglect for the upper limb, but no somatoparaphenia. Journal of Neuropsychology. 2018 Sep;12(3):442-462.
Blefari ML, Martuzzi R, Salomon S, Bello-Ruiz J, Herbelin B, Serino A1,3, Blanke O. Bilateral Rolandic Operculum processing underlying heartbeat awareness reflects changes in bodily self-consciousness. European Journal of Neuroscience. In press
Akselrod M, Martuzzi R, Serino A, van der Zwaag W, Gassert R, Blanke O. Anatomical and functional properties of the foot and leg representation in areas 3b, 1 and 2 of primary somatosensory cortex in humans: a 7T fMRI study. Neuroimage. 2017 Jun 16. pii:
Salomon R, Noel JP, Łukowska M, Faivre N, Metzinger T, Serino A+, Blanke+ O. Unconscious integration of multisensory bodily inputs in the peripersonal space shapes bodily self-consciousness. Cognition. 2017 Sep;166:174-183.
Pellencin E*, Paladino MP, Herbelin B, Serino A. Social perception of others shapes one's own multisensory peripersonal space. Cortex. 2017 pii: S0010-9452(17)30290-3. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2017.08.033.
Serino A, Akselrod M, Salomon R, Martuzzi R, Blefari ML, Canzoneri E, Rognini G, van der Zwaag W, Iakova M, Luthi F, Amoresano S, Kuiken T, Blanke O. Upper limb cortical maps in amputees with targeted muscle and sensory reinnervation: a 7T fMRI study. Bra
Perez-Marcos D, Chevalley O, Schmidlin T, Garipelli G, Serino A, Vuadens P, Tadi T, Blanke O, Millán JDR. Increasing upper limb training intensity in chronic stroke using embodied virtual reality: a pilot study. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2017 Nov 17;14(1):119.
Serino A, Noel JP, Mange R, Canzoneri E, Pellencin E, Bello-Ruiz J, Bernasconi F, Blanke O, Herbelin B. Peri-personal space: an index of multisensory body-environment interactions in real, virtual, and mixed realities. 2017. Frontiers in ICT, 4-31.
Book and chapters
Serino A. Peripersonal Space. In: The Routledge handbook of bodily awareness. A.J.T. Alsmith & M.R. Longo (eds). Routledge editions, 2023.
De Vignemont F, Wong HY, Farne A. Serino A. The word at our finger tips. Oxford University Press. 2020.
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Clinical Neuroscience
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Rue du Bugnon 21
1011 Lausanne
+41 21 314 1111
Faculté de biologie et de médecine
Department of
Clinical Neuroscience
Bâtiment Champ de l'Air
Rue du Bugnon 21
1011 Lausanne
+41 21 314 1111
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Last updated on 28/02/2024 at 16:17