Neurology classes are integrated into different 3rd year modules at the University of Lausanne Faculty of Biology and Medicine. These classes cover the main themes of neurology.
As part of our bedside teaching programme, a one-day practical course is organised in the Service of Neurology for 3rd year medicine students.
The service participates in the training of neurology specialists, in collaboration with the Swiss and European regulatory bodies and industry.
We also offer an MD-PhD program in neurosciences.
Notre service organise tous les jeudis à 12h15, un colloque formation continue post-graduée ainsi que tous les vendredis matin à 8h15, une vignette clinique destinée aux médecins assistant-e-s.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme de formation continue du jeudi qui comprend le Colloque des neurosciences cliniques et les cours FMH.