Auditoire César-Roux, BH08, CHUV

Conférence exceptionnelle de la Professeure Daniela Schiller

Published by Aubert Melanie on 13.03.2024
Conférence en anglais de la Professeure Daniela Schiller au CHUV en date du 15 mai 2024, organisée par l'IUP et le LREN, intitulée "The geometry of social space and emotional experience".

L'Institut Universitaire de Psychothérapie du Département de Psychiatrie, en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de Recherche en Neuroimagerie (LREN) du Département de Neurosciences Cliniques, est heureux d'annoncer la conférence exceptionnelle par Daniela Schiller en date du 15 mai 2024 :

"The geometry of social space and emotional experience"

La conférence se déroule en anglais. Entrée libre.

Cette conférence est soutenue par la Fondation Chuard Schmid de l'Université de Lausanne.

The stability of affective states, and the flexible transition between them, are a hallmark of wellbeing. How does the brain represent, track, and shift between affective states? The talk will describe a series of studies investigating the lifecycle of emotional memories, and the use of not only direct experience but also imagination to modify emotional memories. While a great deal of our affective experience if formed through associative learning, this is only one form of memory organization. A more comprehensive and efficient organizational principal is the cognitive map. The talk will examine this concept in the case of abstract social space. Social encounters provide opportunities to become intimate or estranged from others and to gain or lose power over them. The locations of others on the axes of power and affiliation can serve as reference points for our own position in the social space. Research is beginning to uncover the spatial-like neural representation of these social coordinates. We will discuss recent and growing evidence for utilizing the principals of the cognitive map across multiple domains, providing a systematic way of organizing memories to navigate life.

Dr. Daniela Schiller is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, the Nash Family Department of Neuroscience, and the Friedman Brain Institute, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Her research is focused on emotional learning and memory and social cognition. Schiller got her PhD in Tel Aviv University and then continued to do a postdoctoral fellowship at New York University. She joined Mount Sinai in 2010 and has been directing the laboratory of affective neuroscience since. Her lab has delineated the neural computations of threat learning, how the brain modifies emotional memories using imagination, and the dynamic tracking of affective states and social relationships. Schiller is a Fulbright Fellow and a Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, and has been the recipient of many awards, including the New York Academy of Sciences’ Blavatnik Award, and the Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Award in the Neurosciences.

 Last updated on 06/05/2024 at 16:10