Scientific writing

The Centre des formations of the CHUV, in collaboration with the Medical direction, proposes a course on scientific medical writing, for medical researchers of the CHUV. They will bring their own writing, which will be commented on by the group and the teacher.


Compare different styles of medical writing.

Be made aware of good and bad medical writing.

Learn to structure the different parts of an article.

Write a title, abstract, introduction and discussion to his/her article.

Learn how to make a good poster.

Prochaine(s) session(s)

  • 11.09.2024 et 20.09.2024 et 30.09.2024

Pour connaître les sessions pour lesquelles les places sont encore disponibles, merci de se rapporter au bloc Inscription au cours ci-dessous ou contacter le Secrétariat du Centre des formations.


The 'one-to-one' session for individual meetings, is scheduled for October 1st, 2024 and will be managed by Ms Bless at Séminaire 330 - BU21/03 between 13h00 and 18h00 pm.

Public cible

Medical doctors and PhD students.

Pré-requis exigés

Researchers should be in the process of writing an article and should have a good working knowledge of written and spoken English.


Course recognized with 0.5 credits for doctoral students of the FBM doctoral school.

Attestation / Titre délivré

Certificate of attendance.

The participants will receive a certificate of attendance if they have completed course.

Cours et médias complémentaires

Course in Scientific oral presentation (link below)


Béatrice Perrenoud, responsable de l'enseignement du domaine Enseignement & Recherche, Centre des formations, CHUV


Ann Bless, consultant and trainer in medical writing.

Inscription au cours

Scientific writing

Choix de la session

11.09.2024 13:30 à 17:00
20.09.2024 13:30 à 17:00
30.09.2024 14:00 à 17:30

Vous devez sélectionner une session pour pouvoir vous inscrire

Informations pratiques


By phone to the secretariat or by online form

Durée : 3 x 3h30

Horaire :

3 x 3h30 (group)

from 13h30 to 17h00


30 min (individual session)

Lieu : The courses take place in the CHUV area. The place will be communicated once the registration confirmed.

Frais de participation

Collaborateur-trice-s CHUV et externes: CHF 550.- (one book included) directly billed to the participant.

Nombre de participants

Min 5, max 10 personnes


Centre des formations CHUV


Avenue de Crousaz 10

CH-1010 Lausanne

Tél.: +41 (0)21 314 05 02

Fax: +41 (0)21 314 18 28

Nous contacter

Référence : FPG_SC_WRIT-2

 Dernière mise à jour le 11/05/2023 à 11:14