This website is managed by the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV). The CHUV is a service of the Canton of Vaud attached to the Department of Health and Social Action (DSAS). As such, this website is financed by the Canton of Vaud and does not receive advertising income.
It was conceived to answer questions from patients and their families, students and those working in health-related areas.
The medical information published on this website was reviewed by the Unit’s Medical Department.
The graphic design was created in 2017 by the company Netinfluence.
The illustrations and photographs are creations of the Multimedia Support Service at the CHUV.
This website is hosted by Infomaniak Network SA. It is maintained by the company Cobweb and the CHUV Information Systems Group.
It is based on a content management system (CMS) TYPO3.