Cryopreservation of ovarian biopsies

Purpose of the procedure

The cryopreservation of an ovarian biopsy allows for preservation of the fertility of a woman/girl in the context of an oncological/medical treatment. Fragments of the ovarian cortex are isolated in the laboratory. They are then frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°C.


The biopsy is collected under general anaesthesia in the operating theatre.


The results of serology tests for HIV, HBV, HCV and syphilis must complete the examination procedure.


A contract is concluded for a period of one year and is tacitly renewed year by year. The maximum legal period of storage is five years, renewable once for another period of five years (total maximum duration: 10 years) in accordance with the Reproductive Medicine Act (RMA).

Sole exception: a longer period may be agreed with persons who, to ensure that they can have offspring, donate their egg cells to be stored before a medical treatment or performance of an activity which may make them sterile or damage their gene pool.

Medical follow-up is provided by specialist doctors in the RMU.

 Last updated on 28/12/2022 at 14:56