Noëllie Dunand
- Psychologue assistante à RESSORT (80%).
Intérêts de recherche et travaux en cours
Troubles de la personnalité, Good Psychiatric Management, réinsertion sociale et professionnelle, psychopathologie, réhabilitation psychosociale, approche comportementale et cognitive, approche systémique.
Master en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie à l’Université de Lausanne.
Doctorat en psychologie à l'Université de Lausanne.
Sélection de publications
- Dunand, N. (2024). Supported employment for individuals with personality disorders [Doctoral dissertation, University of Lausanne]. Lausanne.
- Dunand, N., Golay, P., Bonsack, C., Spagnoli, D., & Pomini, V. (2024). Good Psychiatric Management for borderline personality disorder: A qualitative study of its implementation in a supported employment team. PLoS ONE, 19(3), 1–14.
- Dunand, N., Seydoux, M., Teixeira Magalhaes, M., Bonsack, C., Golay, P., Spagnoli, D., & Pomini, V. (2024). Supported employment coaches’ difficulties and facilitators with clients diagnosed with personality versus other disorders: A qualitative study. Heliyon, 10(12), 1–11.
- Dunand, N., Golay, P., Bonsack, C., Spagnoli, D., & Pomini, V. (2023). Individual placement and support effectiveness for personality disorders compared with other mental disorders: A retrospective study. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 174(1).