Center for Psychotherapy Research


The Center for Psychotherapy Research conducts research on

1) evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of different psychotherapeutic approaches taught at the IUP and/or practiced in the Department of Psychiatry,

2) therapeutic processes and their links with psychotherapy outcome.

One of the primary objectives of the IUP is to encourage and support the efforts of the staff of the Department who are working in this area.

Current projects include in particular :

  • Links between therapeutic alliance and specific techniques in different psychotherapeutic contexts.
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of specific psychotherapeutic care (e.g., inpatients with depression, personality disorders, couple and family consultation, University student counseling).
  • Routine psychotherapy practice assessment.
  • Therapist training.
  • Case formulation.
  • Pragmatic case studies.
  • Defense mechanisms and coping.

The Center for Psychotherapy Research offers

  • Collaboration in developing and conducting research projects.
  • Development and validation of research instruments in French.
  • Training modules for research instruments (defenses, coping, conflicts, therapist interventions, therapeutic process, etc.).
  • Research database including verbatim transcripts of sessions, ratings from the transcripts and assessments by judges and self-questionnaires.
  • Methodological and statistical support.
  • Help with writing scientific papers.
  • Research seminars.

Research funds obtained by the CRP in recent years

2011 - 2014
Treating Depression in an Inpatient Setting: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost-Effectiveness Study of Adjunctive Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy [FNS 32003B-135098]. En collaboration avec le Prof. M. Preisig, service de psychiatrie générale.

2011 - 2014
Effects of Motive-Oriented Therapeutic Relationship in the Early-Phase Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial [FNS 100014-134562/1]. En collaboration avec le Prof. M. Preisig, service de psychiatrie générale et du Prof. F. Caspar, Université de Berne.

2010 - 2011
Therapist interventions and patient defenses in a Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for depressed inpatient: An exploratory process-outcome study [IPA 1652879].  

2010 - 2011
Effects of communication skills training on oncology clinicians' defense mechanisms, communication outcomes and working alliance [Prolongation OncoSuisse OCS 02338-02-2009]. En collaboration avec le Prof. F. Stiefel, Service de psychiatrie de liaison.

2010 - 2011
Evolution de l'alliance thérapeutique dans un dispositif psychothérapeutique pour migrants précarisés incluant un interprète [Fond de développement IUP]. En collaboration avec l'association Appartenances.

2009 - 2011
Communication in cancer care: The relationship between clinician's defense mechanisms, patient satisfaction and information recall [OncoSuisse KLS 02353-02-2009]. En collaboration avec le Prof. F. Stiefel, Service de psychiatrie de liaison.  

2009 - 2011
Effects of communication skills training on oncology clinicians' defense mechanisms, communication outcomes and working alliance [OncoSuisse OCS 02338-02-2009]. En collaboration avec le Prof. F. Stiefel, Service de psychiatrie de liaison.  

2008 - 2009
Revisiting technique in psychodynamic psychotherapy: a preliminary study of the relation between therapist techniques and patient functioning and outcome. [International Psychoanalytic Association 1132724]. En collaboration avec le Prof. M. Drapeau, Université McGill, Montréal.  

2006 - 2009
A pilot study for a multi-national Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) of three psychotherapeutic treatments with adjunctive pharmacotherapy for recurrent major depression aiming at sustained recovery and healthy functioning [FNS No 3200B0-108416].

2005 - 2007
Effects of communication skills training on oncology clinicians' communication styles and defense mechanisms [Oncosuisse OCS 01595-08-2004]. En collaboration avec le Prof. F. Stiefel, Service de psychiatrie de liaison.  

2003 - 2004
Elaboration verbale de l'affect et développement de l'alliance thérapeutique [Fond de recherche Unil].  

2003 - 2004
Communication Skills Training (CST) en Oncologie: Impact sur l'adaptation défensive du soignant [Fond de recherche Unil].  

2003 - 2005
Alliance and adequacy of therapist interventions over the course of Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP) for students [FNS 3200-100706].  

2001 - 2002
Effect of experience on intervention adequacy and affective regulation in early alliance building during psychodynamic investigation [FNS 3200-05901.01].  

2000 - 2002
Processus de coordination et développement de l'alliance thérapeutique précoce [Fonds prioritaires Unil].  

1998 - 2001
Intervention adequacy and affective regulation in early alliance building during psychodynamic investigation [FNS 3200-05901.98].


Center for Psychotherapy Research
Route de Cery 1
1008 Prilly
Fax +41 21 314 2784
Mme Mélanie Aubert
 Last updated on 03/08/2021 at 10:12